Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A trip, a travel, and a journey

Feelings packed, oh-so-ready,
The emotional universe beckons me.
Rainbows of smiles, seas of tears,
Let's see what else this trip offers me.

Tired I will get, I expect,
Pause my travel, sit and reflect.
On flights of thoughts, I make my discovery,
I seek no other, finally, I find me.

Living until my journey ends one day,
I go on, not afraid to age.
Will not stop, continue to strive,
No fun in dying when I can be alive!

Friday, September 05, 2008

Writer's block

A block is a term that we are all extremely familiar with. Writers choose to call it their own. Their ownership on blocks is, however, not as complete as they would like to believe. Blocks can exist everywhere, in our minds, on the roads, down the drainpipes, and even on a little kid's play mat! The worst kinds are the ones that we plant, at times too firmly, into our minds and refuse to let them out to get some air. Walking in open air is really good exercise. Even for our thoughts. And believe me, ifwe don't let our thoughts out for fresh air once in a while, and renew them, they become really stale. So, before your thoughts rot, air your views, exchange ideas, refresh your thinking, realign yourself. Question where you are headed. don't blame the people around you for a particular situation. Don't call yourself a victim of circumstances. You always have a choice. And that choice must be exercised.